Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thing # 7 Videos

I enjoyed reading the interesting discussion and comments posed by Robert in response to the video on fair use.
I had heard of Hulu-- but never really watched anything from it-- so this was a great discovery for me personally (since I found free episodes of my favorite TV show along with interesting interviews) but also good stuff for school use.

I found this cool video segment from National Geographic that would be a great followup extention on a class study of earth forces and tornadoes. "Tornado in a Can"-- only 3 minutes long-- shows how science is reproducing tornadoes so they can build things that will withstand one. Just the type of thing that may encourage students to see how science investigation and research is applied to improve real life situations.

On PBS I found Nova and nature programs on all topics-- I found one I think I actually watched on TV and one that would be of great help on a research projects-- the one on the komodo dragon. Every year I have some boys wanting to learn everything there is about these unusual creatures-- some for a project, and some just because... I could not get this PBS one to embed so here is the link.
I also liked that books and weblinks are also given with these videos for further reading or info.

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