Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing # 9 Blogs & Feeds

I used the keyword searches in both Google Blog Search and Blogline's-- they both were the easiest to use, but I found that Blogline's found more blogs that fit exactly what I was looking for a little quicker than Google. It may have just been the particular ones I was searching, but both were easy and had tons of results to sift through. The most confusing parts were not the search tools, but some of the blogs that were so techy that the content was greek to me at this point.
I found this to be true with most of the Edublogs-- except for the ones from SBISD folks. They were great, and I used many of them to springboard off to other blogs. I found Guusje's blog on suprglu.
The more I look at what other people are reading, the more possibilities I see-- and I know I have added more to my feeds and blog subscriptions than I can possibly read-- for school and for my gardening pleasure. I just stumbled into the blog of one of my favorite gardening writers-- I didn't think she had a blog and so it was a real find. And then there are always a few when you search that make you wonder, "How does this relate to what I am searching for?" Like the feed that came up under "children's books" that discussed current issues in the US Securities and Exchange Commision???


DAL said...

I would like to know who the "favorite gardening writer" is. I am a gardener, too, and am always on the search for good information and ideas.

bookworm gardener said...

to dal...
The garden writer I enjoy is Brenda Beust Smith. She writes a weekly column usually in the Houston Chronicle on Saturdays. I love her humor and common sense "lazy gardening " approach. She is fun to hear in person if you get a chance.

DAL said...

Thanks. I will check her out. Gardening in Houston is very different than it is in the climates commonly addressed in the "general" gardening magazines and books. My triumph this year has been that my hydrangea has lived for 2 years, and bloomed profusely (albeit the blue color didn't work out so well; triumph for next year?) Thanks again